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Episode #15.7

Episode #15.7 2016

imdb 9.3 6

"Hermanos Bros. Law"; Carlie Craig gains telekinetic powers from watching Stranger Things; a "good cop/bad cop" scenario where the "bad cop" is a douchebag; 5 Things You Didn't Know About Britney Spears; Miss Swan becomes a cartoon character; advertisers try to make guns more appealing; the female cast members play Fuck, Marry, Kill and Chelsea Davison reveals that she'd do all three to Piotr Michael; Alex Borstein and Will Sasso talk about their time on MADtv; Piotr's Morgan Freeman narrator voice annoys a hungover Adam Ray; HBO First Look at celebrity auditions for The Michael McLeod and Jasmine Wayne-Wayne Story; Adam Ray annoys Lyric Lewis.

Starts: Carlie Craig, Chelsea Davison, Jeremy D. Howard, Amir K
Director: Bruce Leddy

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