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Episode #15.6

Episode #15.6 2016

imdb 8.1 9

Anjelah Johnson gets too into her role as Bon Qui Qui; Sunbrella gets into crime scene investigation; a Walking Dead cliffhanger stretches out the suspense to ridiculous levels; Bon Qui Qui returns to King Burger; Empire parody featuring Justin Timberlake, Ariana Grande, and Adele trying to sign with Empire Records; Amir K rents out Adam Ray's dressing room; a half-fish sister is introduced on Keeping Up with the Kardashians; a cooking show for stoners; parody of $100,000 Pyramid; Bon Qui Qui plugs Homegirl Security.

Starts: Carlie Craig, Chelsea Davison, Jeremy D. Howard, Amir K
Director: Bruce Leddy

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